Minnesota Stroke Association

Movement and Exercise

Having a stroke can result in a number of vision problems – also called visual disturbances. There are many types of vision problems and treatments. Depending on where a stroke occurs in the brain, survivors can face balance and posture problems, disorientation, trouble focusing or a reduced blink rate.


Post-stroke vision problems can fall into one of two general categories.

Vision loss: Blind spots in the field of vision, also known as visual field loss, are common after stroke. A common type of vision loss is called hemianopia, the loss of half of each eye's visual field.

Vision perception problems: Damage to the brainstem and/or cerebellum makes it difficult to process what the eye sees, to coordinate movement and to focus (as a result of double vision) and blink.


There are many treatments for visual disturbances. Treatment plans can be customized to fit each individual's vision problems and needs. Consult with an optometrist, ophthalmologist or primary care provider for suggestions about specific vision problems, symptoms and treatment. Call us at 763-553-0088 for more information.